Thiago Motta

Is Thiago Motta the new Maverick of Possession Football?

When Thiago Motta took over Bologna in 2022, eyebrows were raised, and skepticism hung in the air. This former midfielder with a glittering playing career was an unproven talent as a tactical manager. Yet, what has unfolded in Bologna is nothing short of a tactical revolution. Motta dared to dream differently, to break the mould of traditional possession football in Italy. In doing so, He has potentially changed the landscape of the game as a tactical manager as we know it.

Philosophy of Motta: Control Through Possession Football:

At the core of Thiago Motta’s approach lies an unwavering belief in possession football. His tactical manager philosophy isn’t just about keeping the ball but using it as a weapon. Motta aims to dominate the opposition, suffocate their attacks, and surgically dismantle defences – all through intelligent, purposeful passing. His teams are orchestras on the pitch, using controlled and fluid movements to manipulate the opposition and unlock vital scoring chances.

Evolution, Not Revolution

Thiago Motta didn’t arrive with a magic wand, immediately transforming Bologna into a tiki-taka machine. His approach as a tactical manager has been gradual and meticulous. Thiago Motta started by instilling discipline and a patient buildup within the existing tactical framework. He has taught the players to value the ball and to retain possession even under pressure. Motta began introducing more dynamic and daring elements, Once he successfully integrated these foundational principles.

Introducing the Thiago Motta 2 7 2: A New Formation Takes Shape:

Thiago Motta has mostly set his team up with four defenders in the backline and a three-player central midfield. He has rotated between a 4-2-3-1, with a double pivot ahead of the center backs, and a 4-3-3 formation, with two number eights operating in front of a defensive midfielder. These formations are vastly used worldwide but the prodigy of Thiago Motta lies in the dynamics of his midfield system.

It’s the unique Thiago Motta 2 7 2 formation that sets him apart. Many misunderstood it in its early stages, but it’s far more than a numerical oddity. This formation is seen vertically rather than as horizontal lines across the football pitch. Both of the ‘2’ refer to two wide players on each side. In the middle of the pitch, there are a staggering seven players, including a goalkeeper and a forward. These players provide relentless passing options.

While the formation might look risky, Motta uses it to establish dominance. It overloads the midfield, creating passing triangles and diamonds that are incredibly hard for opposing teams to break down. However, this system doesn’t come without sacrifice; a lack of traditional fullbacks can leave the team vulnerable to direct counter-attacks if the intricate passing network breaks down.

thiago motta 2 7 2

Thiago Motta 2 7 2 formation

Fluidity in Possession Football and Tactical Intelligence:

Within the Thiago Motta 2 7 2 framework, Motta emphasizes positional fluidity. His players are not confined to rigid roles. Central defenders become playmakers, surging forward on the ball. Midfielders rotate and interchange positions, disorienting opponents and creating unexpected passing avenues. His lone striker often drops deep, acting as a link between the midfield and attack, drawing defenders out of position and creating space.

The training sessions of Motta are meticulously designed to foster this tactical intelligence. Players are put through scenarios that highlight the advantages of their fluid system and are taught to read the game, seeing spaces and passing lanes that others might miss.

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A Revolution in Possession Football?

It’s still too early to say whether Thiago Motta can be an evolution as a tactical manager within football, but he has undoubtedly expanded possibilities. The possession football tactics and daring Thiago Motta 2 7 2 formation demonstrate that success doesn’t have to follow conventional paths.

While defensive solidity has traditionally been a core principle of Italian football, Motta throws caution to the wind. He understands that true control doesn’t come from sitting back but by dictating the tempo and forcing the opposition to adapt to his team’s playstyle.

Player Roles in the System of Thiago Motta 2 7 2:

To fully grasp the tactical vision of Thiago Motta, let’s dissect player roles:

• Goalkeeper: A sweeper-keeper who is comfortable distributing the ball under pressure and initiating attacks from the back.

• Central Defenders: Transcend their traditional role. They push forward, becoming ball-playing midfielders when in possession.

• Midfielders: The engine of the team. They circulate the ball, create passing angles, interchange positions, and exploit any gaps in the opponent’s defence.

• Lone Striker: Less of a poacher, more of a link-up player. They drop deep, create spaces, and provide a vital connection to the midfield.


The journey of Thiago Motta in Bologna proves that innovation and a commitment to possession football can produce exciting results. The Thiago Motta 2 7 2 formation and emphasis on positional fluidity make Motta a true tactical manager. While the ultimate impact remains to be seen, his approach has undoubtedly shaken the foundations of traditional possession football tactics.

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